Thursday, January 22, 2009

CPSIA town hall meeting January 28th @ 7 pm

Do you have questions regarding CPSIA and how it will affect you? We will be hosting a town hall style meeting on January 28th at 7:00 pm. There will be representatives from Jim Bunning and John Yarmuth's offices at this meeting. There will also be other consignment store owners and handcrafter/artisans, from throughout Louisville and surrounding areas at this meeting. We are urging anyone who has concerns over this law to please attend this meeting. The meeting will be in the Middletown Community Center at the corner of Madison and Main in downtown Middletown, January 28th at 7 pm.

As people who are helping to meet the needs of children throughout our community, we understand the meaning of this law in its original intent. We feel it is crucial that our children our kept safe when playing with toys and using things we supply them with. However, by letting this law stand as it is, our integrity and credibility our on the line every day that we operate. The government and CPSC say they are not looking to ruin small business, yet they are forcing us to operate while looking over our shoulders at all times.

We are continuing to urge people to call there congressman protesting this law. If you are interested in other ways you can help go to and click Save Children's Resale (info for consumers).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Thanks for spreading the word to your readers.